Information Literacy program directionData analysis leads to the creation of online learning objects

This poster developed by: Gail Strachan, Kathryn Klages, and Maria Bordignon; Seneca College

See this poster at OLA Superconference 2014

In the Fall of 2010 Seneca Libraries started to collect detailed data on the type, length and preparation time of every information literacy activity undertaken in the library in order to assess the breadth and depth of our information literacy program; to identify program areas within the College that we were not systematically reaching and to ensure all first year students received basic information literacy skills as mandated in our academic plan. In analyzing the data we discovered we were teaching face-to-face only 1 of every 4 students enrolled in College English.  The large number of programs and courses indicated that it would not be feasible to instruct all students face to face.We determined we could meet our objective to ensuring all students receive information literacy instruction through the development and implementation of online learning modules.We have developed over 12 online modules with assessments to date, with more in development.